The Managers Corner

Leading is a courageous act for both manager and leader. It’s being out front, ushering in change, and challenging the status quo. A good manager is one that is stepping up to address difficult issues and saying what needs to be said.

Skilled in Business Insight? 

Ever wonder how managers become highly skilled in business insight in your organization. How they obtained the knowledge and skills to become highly skilled. I’m here to tell you it does not happen overnight.

Why is Financial Wisdom Important?

You Don’t Need To Be A Finance Expert, But You Need Wisdom On The Fundamentals, At Minimum. People At All Levels Need To Understand The Financial Information That Is Relevant To Them So That They Can Act On It.

Are you Known for being tech savvy?

Disruptive technologies are entering the market at breakneck speed. You and your organization can’t be cutting-edge without being out in front on at least some technology and digital fronts

The most important business asset are your Customers.

The most important people in any organization are customers. Whether for profit or non-profit, community-based, social serving, or governmental agency, there is always a customer of some kind at the heart of most every action. 

Making Complex Decisions?

Problems are getting more complex all the time. Success today depends on figuring out the best solution to difficult issues."Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it." - Alan Perlis

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